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Alessio Pedrotti

Trento, Italy

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     "In many cultures there is the intent to look beyond to comprehend how to illuminate intelligence, the heart and the sprit.


Many years of my life were dedicated to study concepts and different theories to arrive to the comprehension of life, about how to arrive to happiness and the contemplation of the spirit.

Especially in the spiritual sphere occidental culture has not been able to find progress and evolution but totally the opposite, a transformation of the essence to a spirit made only of words.


Millions of philosophical and spiritual concepts did not allow the evolution of occidental civilization to improve the insights and how to experience life. Still the effects of unconsciousness are causing fear and problems such as war.

This is why the Toltec tools represent a true revolution, the fact of recognizing the true enemy the ego, was one of the most important revelations I discovered at the beginning of the path and now its the aspect where I can see my limits and improve.

It is incredible to have such an effective and clever tool, every day to be able to stalk, and be able to utilize an antique knowledge in the era of electronic circuitry.

If anyone would ask me why to work with the Tribe, for sure I could talk for hours about small and huge visions, of unthinkable improvement, of a higher energy level, to live healthy in a strong body, when you begin finding freedom, the heart is filled, but its fundamental to always have the hunter´s instinct ready, the ego is a mysterious form and its always ready to kick us out of the path.

This is truly a huge mistery that I want to accept in my life till my death arrives. The battle is every day, with adaptation needs and finding different ways to fight.

Why to work with the tribe? Well simply to take control of our small and huge life, to act, is something completely different than theorizing with philosophies and infinite interesting words.

To follow a direction with other people is a support and at the same time it is difficult, but to battle together helps to find a rhythm and motivation and it is an inner test of life.

This work enhances health in general and the capacity to recognize the spirit everywhere in our beautiful world, the development of consciousness is also the spirit to arrive to particular revelations.

The work next to other warriors and specially coordinated by the impeccability of Rocío and Mario, results more balanced and the rhythm of arrival given by the direction of Mario is absolutely fundamental to find the results.

This is one part of my considerations, accept it from my heart.
I'm still in the intent."


- Alessio Pedrotti,

   Trento, Italy


Antinella Roselli

Vancouver, Canada


     "Do you dare to jump?

When I heard about the one year workshop and about the work that Mario and Rocío did, something inside me clicked and I knew that this was for me because I was sick of living in the small jail cell of a life I had created for myself.
I knew I wanted to change many things because I was not happy in the way I was living, but I did not know how despite of all the books I had read about spirituality, psychology, religion, and philosophy.

With the help of the tools given throughout the workshop I was able to experience many of the things I had read about but had never really understood.
Many times throughout  the year I felt like just giving up and I thought I was not going to make it, but here I am  only a few days away from  the final one month workshop in Mexico.

It was not at all easy, but each effort, no matter how difficult it got at the time, was absolutely worth it! I would not trade the experience for anything in the world!!

So If you are ready for action and  want to stop fooling yourself so you can create real change in your life through constant effort, this workshop is for you!
Do you dare to jump? If your answer is yes
Get ready for all the surprises that are waiting for you!"


- Antonella Roselli,

   Vancouver, Canada


Emily Lilli

Quebec, Canada

     "I have been working and walking with the Tribe. It is a challenge to put in words what this work has done to me and what has happened in the last months, any way I will try:

If you are considering making this work with the new tribe, then the only thing I can tell you is: Do it! You don't have time to waste in this wonderful life if you want to wake up.
It takes a lot of work and effort.


Cultivate your time to allow yourself this space of freedom for one short year. One year is very time next to the totality of your life! From the perspective of development only one year can transform your entire life (these past months have changed me completely) It is an amazing possibility; to be able to work in your own country and to be able to make this work with your family around you, because there is where your ego has no place to hide. What do you want to do with your life? Last year I made this question to myself, I answered: To walk a path with a heart

As all you know to have done any workshop with Mario and Rocío awakens you quite a bit. To realize about my ego; about how it steals my energy; this is one of the biggest teachings so far, and it gets clearer every time, now I realize the energy I have. Now I take care what I do with it! And the more energy I have the more will I have, and more amazing possibilities unravel, Im able to witness the beauty and the magic of being alive! To have the freedom of deciding how to live!

Other major changes of this year have been:

The Consciousness of Death and Recapitulation. Without getting too much into details, I want you to know that thanks to the consciousness of death I was able to make a side my fears and face the biggest difficulties I had in the relationships of my life. I was able to forgive myself and to forgive others and put love right there where it belongs: Everywhere! I'm alive and I decide how to exchange energy with people!


When death finds me I hope to be fully awake and full of the love I feel for life! Now all my relationships are peaceful, this way death will not find me with resentment to anyone.

With recapitulation I became aware of a lot I did not know and I learned how I want to live, love, forgive and act. I also healed and freed old wounds and I don't carry them anymore. I have learned to take the responsibility seriously; before I used to think in justifications and excuses to avoid doing things, those were fine for me especially when things were difficult.

Well, if you feel curiosity, or you feel pulled by this work then write!

We are all over the world fighting together to decipher our egos.

Brilliant people who have done purposeful acts to reclaim their energy and freedom and who have made me feel unconditionally loved!

With a hug from the quietness I salute each one in the battle and I hope someday I can dance around the fire with you."



- Emily Lilly,

  Quebec, Canada


Elias Siebenborn

Berlin, Germany

 "Congratulations for arriving here to this point at which you begin this work!For sure you are here for a reason, even if you maybe don't know which it is. Well, I can tell you that it is honestly the realest and most beautiful I've ever done and do and that there are actually no words for the thankfulness I feel about this what I have been able to do and achieve with these techniques. It´s astonishing that suddenly I find in my hands tools to arrange my life and make changes come true. Looking behind I would consider myself as an unhappy person, even self destroying, still I tried to be better.Being quite intellectual I told to people what they should do in their lives and how, but I didn't practice those things in myself. And I knew that what actually was sad. I felt like being addicted to this society which I have been criticizing so much, as if I would not have another option than doing what I have been doing.Now I'm not like this. I now prefer to see the best in people and wow, what a surprise: Only with this intention every relationship bettered. I don´t have to complain or give others too much attention to receive attention now, well, it creates strange things. There was one point during the workshop I realized that the first time I treated others with love without expecting anything in exchange.Later there were situations in my workplace when I just observed people and I was astonished as it happened that this simple scene was elevating itself to something sacred, and this just because I worked firmly with those tools to open my eyes and I can permit myself to be part of this marvel surrounding me. In the end it´s just oneself who can achieve it and the tools I see as the ground the path is made of which leads to such out comings since one has to step on them and walk with them. I feel much more attentive and see that it´s only myself who is creating this world.Now I can be by myself without feeling alone, knowing that I feel good about what I'm doing to get better and support others to be better in the way it´s possible.The great tool giving to us is to live the life as a strategy is actually only a seed that is growing.

I can´t imagine to live without these tools which give me the possibility to find the ways to do things I thought they are impossible to do. I learn every time better how to stalk myself in every kind of situation. A great help is the culture to take notes to not forget or misunderstand what I got aware of and invent ways of do things better.It´s a tool to mold my person to the person I want to be!I can do things now I thought they were impossible to do before because I didn't do them. Ufff, how lazy I was and how I complained about it! Working like that I could learn to love big efforts because they are powerful and the only way to obtain a deep knowledge about myself and the world no book or master could ever teach.

My relationship with nature was very distant: Actually I never appreciated her mysterious marvel which I got to know since doing the introductory workshop in Palenque. In these months I learned to love her and before I didn't even use the word love.  Everything elevates itself in nature and each time I get there I get quieter and out of the city´s noisy routine.

I do Attention Walks, work with the Fire, talk with Mother Earth or the trees. Only getting there is like going in the spirits womb. It changes my attention and heals as I stay alone in order to focus on my consciousness and come back to daily life a bit healthier.
One time after quite a big effort and a magnificent fire, dancing, I lay down on the ground being full of sweat and started to laugh from all my heart like never before, like a child, I haven´t had any comparison for that scene.
It was not because something very funny occurred but it was pure joy being there doing the work and receiving such a clear way of thinking and seeing. I felt that this poor me thing fell away from me like a huge weight dropping down. For each and every effort I made I received a better live, that´s one thing I felt. It depends on me to value what is around me and to understand that life´s language is acts and not words.

So this is my comment regarding this magical life changing work.
Knowledge life´s respond on our acts- is never what we think of and each step is always the first one. Well, so how to say what happened? It has been so beautiful that I didn´t had words to tell anyone really what it means so they can understand. Everyone of us is alone and beautiful.

I send you a hug of silence from the abundance we call life!
A sailor."


- Elías Siebenborn

  Berlin, Germany


Lucy Baird

London, England


"Dear warriors and freedom seekers.

I thought I had to write a bit about my experience in this long year of battle along with my beautiful family. To make anything that is worth something takes time to be learned and effort is needed, we cannot run a marathon from one day to another, we need to exercise to develop abilities takes time.


We already know how it feels to jump from an abyss imagine now how it feels to change for real those things in us those we thick that are really US. To realize that NOTHING defines us and that we can be whoever we want, despite of our past.


This is what we have been doing for months To be able to know ourselves to make plans to recover energy and then to change! It's not a magical wand movement, nether taking a pill

This is everyday work, and every hour, every minute, every second this is how a warrior lives with attention, intent, and a heart that doesn't stop wishing to be free, we have been learning this way of life and with it opening real doors towards freedom. Facing our greatest fears, to things that we escape from, breaking those barriers, recovering much energy that got stuck in the past, letting go the memories that hurt.

Bringing  so much love in our lives, Instead of things which destroy us, like; jealousy, envy, doubts, guilt, criticism, etc

For real I feel Im a different person and now I know I cannot return to be the one I was before and that I will always keep on walking towards my freedom this is the most magical opportunity, and shared, being part of lovely tribe that accepts me totally and that supports each other.


We are all are completely alone, but walking together, this is a marvelous and beautiful thing.

If you are considering this work, DO IT!!

Excuses to stop this opportunity to be free are there.

How many times we don't go outside because its very cold, or because we are comfortably installed in our couch But we feel great once we arrive to the top of a high mountain, with sweat and pain because of reaching the top Wow!

We could never feel this on a couch what else could we lose besides the huge personal history that defines and destroys us


To walk towards freedom is marvelous

With love, magical deep and lucid breathings."



- Lucy Baird

   London, England

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