Mario Gomez Mayorga
Palenque, Chiapas. Mex.
I'm just coming out of probably the most important experience in my entire life after the day I was brought to the planet.
I will try my best to describe an experience that words to talk about it don't even exist. Language makes no justice to this realm.
This extraordinary gift appeared in my life just in the exact moment to help me out of one of the most difficult times and events that surpassed my capacity to face to solve them. Just when I felt powerless and lost like never before in my life.
Thanks to Valtteri, a wonderful friend who invited me and guided me through the experience and the giant portal that 'Bufo" opens,
The Toad Medicine.
After the instructions and a preparation prayer, the medicine is taken, it all begins in one second at the most.
"Trust" was the last word I remember, and then I was struck by a soft absolute lightning that blasted me away.
The experience is powerful like nothing I ever felt in my life. My body completely disappeared, I instantly dissolved into an intense white blueish multi-fractal light. Everything was that.
And fused with it, I felt an indescribable release, a total detachment, and forgiveness that only death could provide. A beautiful death of all the suffering, of the pain that was stuck from a lifetime, of the fears and traumatic experiences, attachments, mistakes, all of the unnecessary weight, the shadows... it all dies within a few instants.
Then I expanded and disappeared further into bliss. Into the most profound peace. The joy to know that's the Spirit, that you are fused with and to recognize being part of it Everything is one, and everyone is just a fiber of the infinite weaving.
The experience is timeless, impossible to measure because there is no time where this occurs. Yet down on the planet it's only around twenty minutes.
Coming back happens very fast
Within a few minutes, you are completely operative again.
When I came back I was feeling only unity, only deep love, the most sincere and profound thankfulness I ever felt.
Váltteri, my human angel facilitator at the Bufo Sanctuary, told me the experience is about death and rebirth.
I told him I'm my case I totally agree with death, but not with the rebirth. I was not reborn...
In my experience, I had just been born for the very first time in my life. As if my body had been wandering all my life but my-self not really born.
I have deeply fallen in love with life therefore with myself.
Since my youth, I began a life quest,
I was looking for something as my main mission in life, I sought books, teachers, workshops, trips, power places, sacred plants, journeys, indigenous nations, shamans, techniques, branches of knowledge, friends, couple relationships, and whatever else you can think of. Yes of course walking this path I found a lot of important pieces that helped me grow and be better. But still, I was always left with the sensation I had not yet found what I was looking for, and I actually didn't know what it was.
Thanks to Bufo my quest has ended
I have just found what I looked for all my life.
It was me whom I was really seeking for, my soul, my spirit, that place from where I emanate, the self that inhabits the body, It was all the time inside me, that's why I never found it outside. I never suspected that what I was really looking for was the life boiling from within.
My quest is over. Now I have the gift of the remaining life just to live as fully as I can. I am in peace, not only just born, but I feel I'm back home, I don't feel homeless anymore, my blues for the Spirit has ended.
Without any doubt, this is the most powerfully beautiful experience I have ever lived. I never knew such literally unbelievable profound beauty could exist.
All my life I heard about miracles, I never suspected in my life it would happen to me.
Forever thankful beloved Spirit!
All this to try to tell you about an experience for me impossible to explain and for you to understand reading the narrative of someone who did it.
It's an event that surpasses even your wildest fantasies and that has nothing to compare with as a reference point to understand it in words.
The only way is to live the experience yourself.
Some of the presents Bufo gave me:
After the experience along the first hours, some messages came in silence, while alone
Yet a very interesting part was the conversations I had with people I found that day who put in words what I was not yet able to describe or define from my experience. I felt as if Bufo would continue talking through people.
Everything is just one.
All these gifts are only one thing, a unit like everything else that exists.
This is the best I can put in words, and I can only try to explain separating or into subjects.
You give what you are. You receive what you give. You give what you received.
Life is what you are.
What you see in reality and what happens is how you see yourself and how you treat yourself.
When you change the totality of life changes because you are reality. Because it is all your reflection. Because you create your moment.
There is nothing else. You are the creator of everything of the totality that happens to you.
Your life experience is entirely your responsibility.
Everything is interconnected. You are only a fiber of the only infinite weave.
Whatever you do echoes the totality of the weave. Either you weave right or wrong you alter the totality of the fabric.
Weave well, the fabric is life.
Weave with love to affect the fabric correctly. If you harm yourself you also harm everything. Love yourself, it betters ourself, therefore, everything as well.
Whatever your actions are, you do them to yourself, but you also echo in the totality of the fabric.
But the essence of what the fabric is made of is Love.
Life loves you, that's why you exist.
Love, don't resist. Manifested love is the only thing that exists. Our mission is to irradiate love.
Resistance affects and harms the fabric of life and its interconnectedness is broken, this is sadness. If you detach from love then you are alone, even being part of the fabric.
Everything is the same thing, whatever you manifest is what you are doing to yourself.
Only the now exists, we have never been in any other place. It's always now.
The past and the future are mental abstractions. The past produces pain and sadness. The future anxiety and fear.
The now is an endless permanent flow where life is being manifested and appearing Infront of our very eyes.
Final words
There is much more I could write but it could end in a book, so I will stop here.
If you need to catapult yourself into a higher level of self. If you need to heal trauma, severe depression, or even schizophrenia, or simply fully open your eyes and heart. If You need to transcend your life and awaken your consciousness.
If you hear the Bufo medicine call...
Please get in touch with me I can gladly open the path and connections for your healing.
Mario Gomez Mayorga
Quintana Roo. Mexico
21 September 2021 (equinox)
Elias Siebenborn
Playa del Carmen, Mex.
Testimony of my experience in Bufo Alvarius Sanctuary I will try to describe what can only be lived, not read, or expressed in words.
Upon arriving at the ceremony, I commented how nervous I felt, my heart beating very hard, caught my attention. The body already knew.
In the teepee where the ceremony is held, before everything we do a prayer to connect with the intention and direct the trip. That prayer was already moving me deeply when I felt the sacredness of the door that I was about to cross.
Smoking the substance in a glass pipe before finishing it, I already took off on the trip and practically did not know where I was lying. I knew I should let go, and I gave myself totally to the medicine. Then I realized that I was very present, I was also seeing myself as almost from the outside, sometimes fused with everything and sometimes feeling my body well, or perhaps both at the same time. Thoughts also crystallized about "if maybe I don't take off anymore", "if that was it maybe". I saw myself exposed to my expectations, but I didn't judge them, everything that had to happen had to happen, just like that.
As soon as we consume a plant in a ceremony,
it is no longer ours ...
Letting go on a plant trip is a profound word that can only be understood by practicing it at all times.
But suddenly it took me,
and it took me to an incredible realm, it was like seeing the truth, as if we were living with a kind of veil in front of us, like in a box, and with that substance, we can momentarily access the totality, of what we come from, what we are and what we carry inside. I feel that this is our origin, and it was something unspeakable, a space where there is no room for words or metaphors or anything created by humans. Neither does the ego enter, that remains outside, and what remains I can only describe with wonder, I was totally amazed, and very surprised because I could go further, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that what I was experiencing was entering me more me. It was a fusion, a journey, an ecstatic glimpse into the infinite which is our source, which can only be described with love provoking pure gratitude in those who experience it, although I repeat, any word is too small for the experience.
I think that at the peak of the trip during which I never opened my eyes, my whole being was absorbed by the experience, but then, beginning to take root, I could only cry of gratitude and happiness for that look at that divine kingdom that we ignore in every day and from that something we want to lead from that encounter to be more aware and worthy people to have received such a gift from that experience.
It was like a great weight that disappeared.
When I opened my eyes, the first expression that gave me and what it said was what is as if all my life I had waited for that.
The most important thing is not the trip, but the landing, which in that case can be a new life after being born.
Elias Siebenborn
Qunitana Roo. Mexico
10 October 2021
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"