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Alessio Pedrotti,

Trento, Italy 

      "Clarity… is the Word that can best resume the deepest meaning that the pilgrimage has for me.
It was a journey though sacred places, where the possibility to make a very deep contact with the spirit is revealed.

The pilgrimage develops on a path that at times is difficult and where you have to find inside yourself the strength of your heart, in the pilgrimage you can see your physical limits and discover that the body can handle it. You discover a great deal of strength you never imagined to have.

Each day was a very deep journey within me, and to arrive to the desert was not only a wish come true, but a real possibility to approach a very antique and effective form of power.

The days, weeks and months that came after the pilgrimage have been important in the process of purification and the guide is still alive.
Every day I realize that many emotional mechanisms have changed, as well as my perception; I feel freer and at the same time I see several things that I want to change in my person.

My relationship with nature after the pilgrimage is more powerful."

- Alessio Pedrotti,

   Trento, Italy


Ashonda Davenport,

Brooklyn, NY, USA 

      "Consciousness Work: The most important undertaking in which I can embark. Essential to my life and for the benefit of all I come into contact with and for Mother Earth. What greater gift can I give back to Life then my best efforts, my best self?


It seems that all my spiritual paths and processes have been in preparation for this Vision Quest. My extraordinary guides: Mario, a very kind, very no-nonsense, very wise teacher; and Rocio, a very gentle and loving, intuitive soul. They’ve helped me to make excellent use of ancient Toltec wisdom & tools (as well as contemporary therapeutic modalities) with practical applications for my life.  


Being in nature has always felt like a healing balm. I wanted to deepen in this and learn the potent ways that Indigenous people have connected to and healed with nature for millennia. Mario and Rocio have taught me how to commune with my Mother Earth, my Mother Water, my Grandfather Fire, my Brother Trees my Grandmother Death and more!  They have taken me to places in Mexico that I only imagined could have been the creation of PhotoShop until I saw with my own eyes!  What a gorgeous country! (With delicious food!)


There is a huge difference between knowing spiritual concepts intellectually, and feeling them experientially. It was through one of their exercises in an Alpine forest, that I was able to get in touch with the silence that is my Spirit. And I had the realization that my intuition was the way It has always been communicating with me. This happened through earnest communion with nature. As it just so happens that the same Spirit in nature is in me.


In the same way that our bodies can store traumatic events, through the Vision Quest I learned that our bodies can store POWERFUL experiences that help us move forward in our lives. Through one of the exercises in a jungle, I had the experience of completely shutting out fearful thoughts, rendering me fearless. I now have a pragmatic understanding of what it is like to not allow fearful thoughts to take over my mind and control me. I was able to enjoy testing this out when I received a hug from a spider - formerly my greatest fear!  And for the 1st time in my life I flew home on a airplane relaxing, not allowing myself to indulge in what was once incessant, worrisome thinking.


And maybe most importantly, I uncovered my greatest blockage to my potential while walking up a beautiful volcano. “To learn to walk, is to learn to live.”  This trip showed me where I am, and now I’m ready to become who I really want to be - one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, just like the volcano taught me!


I liken the Vision Quest to “warrior bootcamp” where I’m able to get the training necessary to face the battles in life.  And since the inertia of my personal trials is very strong, I’m continuing to work with Mario & Rocio in their virtual Tribal Workshop. With their guidance and support, I’m strategically organizing my life in a way where I’m building and saving energy, and using Toltec tools to continue to heal and grow.


I’m filled with gratitude. Thank you to Life for blessing me with these people, these experiences, and these tools."


<3 <3 <3

- Ashonda Davenport

   Brooklyn, NY, USA


Elias Siebenborn,

Berlin, Germany

     "It was one of the most important things I've done in my life, and arriving there one of the most difficult since I found myself with great difficulties to take part on such a trip, and it seemed impossible. Nevertheless I knew it was a unique opportunity to do it and may be the last one. 

What I learned through this and what has been given to me by living this experience I cannot express.

Just arriving to the journey let me discover potential that I didn't know I had, and doors to myself and my mission in life opened.

It was not my first time but the third Vision Quest i made, but for a few years I didn't go. This does not mean that I was doing something that I already knew, because all work is in nature, and this always changes.


Doing exercises in nature like attention walks, open dialogue with elements, trees etc opens a tremendous and beautiful world, not only because of all the teaching, it´s because we somehow return back to our origin which heals and fills us with energy, and lets us re-discover what we have forgotten for our way of living in our so called occidental lifestyle. As our consciousness rises we can see our life from other perspective being in touch with such magic tools since they give us possibility to change and give us a new focus.

I could discover that we are really that harmony and balance that we see in nature. We have to know her in order to  know ourselves because it´s the silent mirror that doesn't confuse.

In an experience walking downhill to return to the spot we started. “Your life will be as your walk down” they say because this path has a very special symbolical meaning in the Wirrarika culture, a fact which I can affirm due past experiences.  It was difficult because I felt so great I wanted to go very fast, wanted to fly, but seeing that others of the group were not feeling this I got frustrated. But intending to apply the advice I changed my attitude, left aside my egoism and acted more pragmatic slowing down a bit, enjoying more the experience and most of all help a companion who had difficult to keep up speed with the rest of the group. It was such a beautiful experience, and now I see that it is that faith, consciousness and way of being which is unfolding in my life now, like wings that let me fly now where before I was just stumbling. It might sound exaggerated, but it was a key experience. And yes, my life now is just like that walk.

I am proud and thankful having participated with my companions and want to do it again, and better with a certain frequency since I see it like a haven in which body and soul are recharged with consciousness experiencing depths of their origins, nature and its elements, before returning to open sea where all struggle takes place, and which we can only cross by keeping ourselves on our path."


Many thanks!"


- Elias Siebenborn

   Playa del Carmen, Mexico


Federica Furnari,

Torino, Italy

     "It´s very difficult to find words to describe something that has nothing to do with reason.

This trip though sacred places of all Mexico is THE TRIP inside oneself, it's the route to return home, the re-encounter with Mother Earth.

As time passes by, that memory becomes a dream, even throw is engraved in the body and the heart. The experiences lived in the pilgrimage have changed forever my way of perceiving reality and myself.

The woman that got out of her home with insecurity is not the same that returned.

What basically changed was my attitude in front of life, I cannot be the passive victim, I don't have time to waste in that drama. I have no other choice than choosing to grow and take care of myself.

The trip allowed me to observe my limits very closely, discover my flaws but also my virtues, learning how to use my energy in the most convenient way.

Even though I have not achieved anything, I got nowhere, I don´t know anything, because the journey never ends. I´m still on the intent of being better every day, because I have seen closely what I want to modify, what I like and what I don't want to be part of my life.

This walking was a beautiful walk and of indescribable learning, the most powerful I have experienced in my life, next to the fact of giving birth. Now, here from my home, in my life, I realize that the journey never ends, the pilgrimage continues until time is over. Then it's just here and now that I don't have time to complain and drama, for judgment and anger, such as it happened in the pilgrimage. No doubt a huge challenge, the intent to live in such way.

The traveled places are marvelous, every place is magical and powerful. So marvelous are the surprises that appeared along the trip.


I thank infinitely Mario and Rocio for their service and unconditional love, for their honesty and for sharing their knowledge. I thank each component of the beautiful Tribe that was built by magic. Each one of you is a valuable mirror and a great teacher.


I thank my beloved Mother Earth for her love and infinite abundance, to the Water Haramara, universal medicine thanks to Tatewari, grandfather fire for listening, for helping me to be a better person, thanks to the Oxygen for flowing freely again though my lungs.


Thanks to Nina and Alberto for being my path companions, for being my biggest stimulus.

Thanks to all the warriors that walk tha path with a heart.

I have not found anything more important in my life than to intent do the same. Until now it´s the only thing that makes me enjoy each step."


- Federica Furnari

   Xico, Mexico


Iris Ortner,

Bern, Switzerland

     "This journey truly changed the way I experience life.

It gifted me trust in my way, trust to be guided, the willingness to learn from everything I meet, humbleness towards mystery, knowing it was too big to be ever understood by mind.


It learned me to listen to the silent whispers of intuition, the wonder of being amazed like a kid again and to love life deeper.

Mario and Rocio are the most modest and caring guides I ever met, knowing they are not perfect but have so much to give.

They do this work not for profit but from deep within their heart.
It was a truly unforgettable journey, full of fun, challenge, depth and miracles."

- Iris Ortner,



JoAnn Cannon

California, USA

     "For both the inner spirit and also ego with which my body came into the world, this pilgrimage and vision quest was perhaps the most profound, useful and also difficult experience of my life! 


It was not just that these unique undertakings were held in such places

of beauty that my heart sang, or the requirement of courage to trust the un-knowingness of what was to come next, or standing witness to my companions actions/words during delightful and intense moments,

…..But the sheer unexpected unfolding of my own consciousness that resulted from being under the expert, generous tutelage of Mario and Rocio’s understanding and use of Toltec tools.

It is astounding good fortune for anyone to have this pilgrimage vision quest opportunity presented. It is an even greater boon to undertake such a sojourn and be open to the many portals that Mystery will offer."


- JoAnn Cannon

   California, USA


Jorge Rodriguez Faz

Cd. Reynosa, Mexico

     "I did this quest in two parts because of work and personal reasons, but I think it´s better to do it all at once, even when that is how it was for me and it was fine anyway.

Since the first moment you arrive you begin learning things, and to remember others and to feel each day more identified and twinned with each of the participants including Mario and Rocio.


It is a very profound journey and requires of a great physical and mental effort, but at the same time it's very enriching, as you impenetrate more intimately with nature, understanding it, feeling it and enjoying it.


It is a journey trough very powerful and beautiful places where you go learning, facing challenges, overcoming obstacles, realizing that you can move your limits, therefore it's a great journey to your insights, where you discover many things, and many portals, in that moment and after remembering and recapitulating, you learn to save energy getting rid of useless "stones".

I believe that the great teaching for me was never to underestimate anything, on top of all stalking, attention, to pay attention to everything you do in life, that is to live that moment, when you manage that, there is no way to fail, and you feel the simple joy of being, then clarity and detachment arrive.


Of course that it's needed to keep on working, so that those moments happen more often and last more, remembering always that the slightest carelessness the ego hits you.


This workshop changed my life, and by own will, once this path is begun, there is no way back."


- Jorge Rodríguez Faz

   Ciudad Reynosa, México


Judi Merril

California, USA

     "I’ve never traveled by myself let alone out of the country. Then in March 2016 and again in 2017 off I went on the Pilgrimage and Vision Quest (yes two years in a row and a desire to go again, the workshop is that profound).


If you're looking for awareness, a renewed passion for life, insight into who you REALLY are, reconnecting with nature, with spirit, with life or tools for personal change, healing and freedom these are all gifts the Pilgrimage and Vision Quest gave me as I walked it's path.


If you think it's too late for change or that you're too old, think again. I will be 64 next month. You say you're not in good enough shape? I led a completely sedentary life style for over fifteen years. Still have concerns or doubts? Contact Mario for honest straightforward feedback.


What was my experience?

•   I experienced new mentally and physically challenging situations which opened discoveries of my strengths, virtues, limitations and more.

•   I reconnected with my creativity.

•   I passed personal limits I would never have considered myself capable of.

•   I  faced fears being rewarded with a heightened level of trust in myself and others.

•   I gained a new sense of freedom and confidence in my capabilities while also looking straight on at parts of me I'm not proud of and now have the tools to change.

•   I experienced. I visited nature. I reconnected with life in a way that has touched me to my core.

•   I gained an undeniable awareness of my absolute need for change and the courage, tools and support to start making them.

•   As a side benefit? I returned with a glow and in better shape than I’ve ever been in years.


To assure I continue to progress in awareness, growth and healing I joined the Tribe workshop.


This pilgrimage brings you hope, it's facilitators a sense of safety, acceptance and unconditional loving support.

If you have the desire, you CAN do this!

- Judi Merril,

   California USA


Kirill Gorodetskov


Vision Quest Pilgrimage Testimonial

"When I first met Mario, I was not in a good place. I was chronically depressed for most of my life, struggling with drug addiction. I was constantly sabotaging important relationships in my life, always making the wrong decisions, and blaming everyone but myself. My self-esteem was zero. I hated myself, I hated my life. I convinced myself that I was just going to suffer forever, and never escape the cycle of misery until I finally had enough and chose to end my life.


I had tried to get out of the dark hole I lived in many times. I thought romantic love would solve me, but I was so troubled that I sabotaged romance anytime it came near me. Pharmaceutical drugs did nothing for me, except make things worse. I did therapy for over 10 years, which helped, but was never really enough.

I am eternally grateful that I met Mario.

Against all my objections and fears, I agreed to accompany him to the three-week Vision Quest. My life was completely changed through that experience. I discovered a strength I never knew I had. I could finally see through the fear, anxiety, and sadness of my life in this chaotic world. I was able to feel an incredibly deep sense of love and appreciation for life, even when it’s hard.


For the first time in my life, I felt a genuine connection to spirituality, and I realized how badly I had missed that for all of these years.


It’s not that all of my problems have been solved, but I know how to deal with them now. Some of the most challenging moments of my life have happened since the Vision Quest, but the funny thing is that these things don’t bother me like they used to. I am now able to see the struggle as an opportunity for growth and to see a challenge as nothing more than an obstacle on the path. When bad things happen to me now, I don’t allow them to ruin me. And despite the struggles, things have never been better.


This is the best my life has ever been. My heart is so full of love and gratitude and my relationships are so much stronger.

Before the Vision Quest, this past year would have destroyed me. Now, I feel invincible.


Mario offers an extremely unique experience that you cannot find elsewhere. It’s unique not just because of the breathtakingly stunning things you will see and do, the lifelong memories you will form, or the tremendous strength and love you will discover inside yourself. The experience is unique because Mario is truly one of the greatest people I’ve met in my life.


In the chaos and emptiness of the modern Western world, there are many fake people offering spirituality. Mario cannot be further from this; he is extremely genuine. Mario doesn’t have an ounce of bullshit in him, and that’s why he’s so amazing for this work. His lessons, wisdom, and words are all extremely helpful, but he is not offering an easy solution to anything. Mario will teach you how to ‘walk’, he will help you see your path, but only you can walk it. He will help you see through the absurdity of the trauma, bad habits, and excuses holding you back. He’ll help you take the first step; the rest is up to you. His work will take you so much farther than any therapist or fake “guru”. He is the real deal.


I have absolutely no regrets about working with Mario. Going on the Vision Quest was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. If you are considering it, do it. Take the leap. It will be one of the greatest experiences of your life."

- Kirill Gorodetskov

Laura Rice

Minneapolis, USA

     "This trip was an incredible journey that I craved to my very core, so I could remember, even for a moment why I am here. I have known and read so many things but kept the knowledge as a shield.

This trip got me to shift out of my outer layer of just living and remember how to "BE". We were taken to so many powerful places with such powerful experiences, by 2 very compassionate & powerful people. Mario and Rocio were like guardian angels on a road that was laden with a lifetime of crusted layers of my habitual resistances.

This journey brought forth my deepest fears: "Will I ever be happy?" Will I ever understand?" This journey released the Kraken & the Monster became my ally & this life became my dream.

I'm in my power and I would go anywhere with them again to the highest mountain, and to the deepest caves."

- Laura Hanora Bird Song Rice,

    Minneapolis United States 2011


Teol Evans

Sligo, Ireland

     "Doing the Pilgrimage and Vision Quest three times with you both I learned the most amazing "exercises" to release the old traumas and injuries that have been piling up in me, and at the same time having very deep physical body work to facilitate the releases. I'm remembering and reliving some deep stuff. it's brilliant but difficult and tiring at times. I've climbed back up the cliff I fell off.

I thought that I was in touch with nature; that I appreciated & respected nature; that I had a good understanding of nature. But now thanks to the work we did together in Nature I see and learned that NATURE is so much more than I thought it was!

Life is perfect. I am the author/creator of my own story. I created the cancer diagnosis. It's part of my Soul Path, a wake-up call to shake me out of my complacency and to embrace the unknown.

I'm feeling good about myself, probably happier with life than I have been for a while.

When I returned from Mexico this time I have been doing a lot of work on all aspects of my being-spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Lately I am being more honest with myself; looking deeper into myself why and how I do things; having clarity.

Thank you both for everything. It was so nice to just spend time together. You are wonderful Beings. I love you two and I care deeply about you.

Warm hugs and love."

- Teol Evans

   Sligo, Ireland

  - Teol Evans RIP 02 Jul 2017 -


Therese Bowler

Ontario, Canada

     "I was overwhelmed by the intoxicating beauty of Mexico, and realize that I would never be able to experience such places, if it were not for this journey guided by Mario and Rocio, who are both remarkable human beings with a profound connection to Spirit.

The month long pilgrimage is best summed up by the Wirrarika Saying, “Learn to Walk, Learn to Live”.


The journey was both inward and outward and required attention to the very moment we were in.


This is very powerful, because our minds seek distraction and escape from the present moment, especially when the body is being physically challenged.

This journey requires real attention in order to be energized by the poderios with which we communed. The “Attention Walks” took us to some of the most beautiful places Mother Earth has to offer – truly spectacular caves, healing waterfalls, ancient jungles, magical mountains and the intensity of the desert.

Though each of us was journeying for our own reasons, sharing and listening to each other allowed both compassion and understanding to be fostered throughout the pilgrimage.


I am grateful for the depth of experience I had, for the opportunity to observe my ego at work in a variety of conditions, and for the challenging work at staying conscious not just on this pilgrimage, but in each day of life.


If you are considering this journey, I wish you an open heart and strength in mind, body and Spirit.

It will be a journey like no other you will ever take in life!

In Lak’esh,"


- Therese Bowler

   Ontario, Canada


Nabilah Allybokus


     "I have had a good month to collect my thoughts following The Don Juan Pilgrimage and if you feel inclined to go on this trip then don’t hesitate, just do it.

Mario and Rocio are trustworthy individuals and leaders who will support and help you whatever your aims are for this journey. Even if you feel, like I did, that you had little “reason” for doing this, then you may well stand corrected. Part of this journey is understanding the “spirit” – it’s omniscience and relevance to our lives and helping us to re-synchronize with nature.

Many aspects of this expedition are ineffable; experiences so breathtaking and incredible that words do little justice. This trip may be better suited if you are dealing with strong issues in your life or with yourself and are looking for methods of healing and restoration. But don’t let that hinder you if you’re not.

The moments you encounter will nonetheless help you understand more about yourself. The excursions can be demanding on your body and mind but the aim is to strengthen you in the process.

I apologize if this does not sound very tactile or helpful but be prepared to want to explore, struggle, connect and heal. All experiences are of course subjective but if you select this journey it will be unforgettable."

- Nabilah Allybokus,

   London, England


Vadim Nemetskiy

Siberia, Rusia

     "Let me start my testimonial with a quote from Paulo Coelho: "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it".


If you're seeking spiritual awakening and development, I can't think of a better way to make your statement of intent in a more loud and clear manner than going on this Pilgrimage with Mario and Rocio. This will be an adventure of your life. Guaranteed!

Like many other people on the Path, I consumed tons of spiritual books and inspirational movies, attended multiple weekend retreats and workshops, dabbled with various divination teachings and modalities. It was OK for a few years but at some point all of these activities stopped doing it for me. I was hungrier and more eager than ever to go for a deep dive into real spiritual work, not some surface scratching. In fact, I developed a significant intolerance to anything New Age related. It was like spiritual fast food, fake and not nourishing.

As they say, when the student is ready the Universe will open the right doors and provide the required guidance along the way. This is how I learned about the  pilgrimage in Mexico (an "accidental" tip from a friend).

The moment I saw the program description I knew this was exactly what I was looking for. Two short months later I was crossing the jungle, climbing  mountains, navigating caves and desert with a group of other spiritual warriors who became my brothers-and-sisters-in-arms on the path to Freedom.

If you want to explore yourself and the world around you, stalk and confront your ego, reach and push your limits, overcome your fears and acquire new strengths - then this is the program for you.


But beware that this undertaking requires a major resolve and total commitment from each participant. Otherwise, it's going to be a lot of pain without much gain, if you know what I mean.

Should you decide to go ahead and sign up for the Pilgrimage, good luck and be prepared for a life changing experience!"


- Vadim Nemetskiy

   New York City, USA

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