Please, Urgent Help for Julia, Mazatec Medicine Woman

Hello Friends One of the marvelous persons I work with is Julia Casimiro, a Mazatec medicine woman, a shaman who I know for more than three decades, and that I knew when I first began working with her deceased mother a long time ago. Julia has received us for years at her home opening the space to work with people from many countries seeking solution to their current life and person.
Julia who is now facing a terminal illness.
After not feeling well she began a harsh quest that took her out of the Mazatec Sierra where she lives, traveling to nearby cities, going through countless Drs, specialists, clinics, hospitals, tests, analysis, wrong diagnostics and medications, and finally to Mexico City where the main experts are found, to finally get the right and definitive diagnostic.
One of her kidneys is totally damaged, and must be extracted. Six tumors the size of a golf ball, were found in her liver.
She is severely anemic, and the final analysis showed "metastasis" This means cancer in the totality of the body. The cancer originated in the liver because it was the most susceptible organ, but it could have begun any other place.
She cannot undertake the kidney surgery because that would only spread cancer faster into other areas of the body, her anemic state would not allow her to resist the anesthesia, neither a recovery if she would come out of the operation. The medical protocol in her case determines chemotherapy and radiation as a treatment, some Drs. push this protocol, while some specialist say this would only make her suffer unnecessarily and not solve anything but actually terminate her life sooner in worse conditions than if she does not go through it.
Julia who is a very innocent indigenous person, she needed a lot of explanations so she could understand what is going on with her, what would have to be done, and what the expectations are.
She decided not to go through the medical protocol

Julia doesn't want radiations, chemicals, injections, more pills, hospitals, Drs. etc.
Neither her family has any more resources to continue any medical treatment. This process has wiped out Julia's scarce economy and all of their family's as well.
She has returned home in the sierra
Julia says she prefers to die at home, surrounded by her beloved daughters, sons, and grandchildren, her dear animals, mountains and nature. She might depart soon, as her body is now permanently nauseous rejecting food and water, and the permanent pain not allowing her to rest or sleep well.

Julia was the main economic source to her family

Now she has not been working for months nether she will be able to do it again.
She phoned me asking for economic help, and I gave all I could, but I found the size of the problem surpasses my capacity.
They have spent all I gave in trips and the quest for the diagnostic, and they still have the normal everyday expenses, plus all what is yet to come.
I have spoken with the oldest of her kids They are very anguished understanding what will come soon, not only the emotional weight is overwhelming, but also knowing they cannot face everyday needs and funerary expenses that will come sooner than later is havocking their overall endurance, mind and emotions.
In their indigenous uses and customs, the family must prepare special food and corn drink for all the people that will accompany at the funeral. Also they need a coffin, the burial space in the graveyard and the services that go with it... and still again people will visit their home two or three times after, for the praying sessions a few weeks after, where they have to serve them again in this funerary ceremony. This represents a lot of expenses, all at once, in emergency mode when the moment comes.

Dear friends, this is why I come to you Seeking for your kind support in the name of Julia, which some of you know in person in her home.
I know your help can make a huge difference in this sensible moment for her and her family. We are trying to gather $3500 USD to support this family in this hard times as soon as possible, because an eventuality is imminent at this stage of Julia's health.
The donations will be sent to the oldest daughter and son as they are now the adult heads of the family dealing with all the responsibilities.
It's a help that will give them some tranquility, at least knowing they will be able to face forced expenses, plus a support until they reorganize their life and begin working again.
We will go to the Sierra to see her and say goodbye From the 28th of October till the 03rd of November 2020 She asked us to please go at those dates, and if possible with a group to work, she really likes to provide the space for people to grow, this can give her a sense of still being useful to others. Our presence has always been an economic support for all her family. I think now they need us more than ever. This journey was scheduled a year ago. We never imagined it would come under this frame.
If you wish you can also join us in this trip to see her for the last time, and contribute to help with your presence in this work.
If you wish you can send me a note for her. I will personally read them to her. (Ask for the link for this visit, or send me your notes here) From the bottom of my heart,
in the name of Julia, her family, and myself
THANK YOU VERY MUCH Also please: If you know people who would like to help this noble cause please share this with them.
Thank you! <3