Con Ciencia Indigena
- Jul 23, 2018
¿Qué Son las Creencias?
Creamos creencias para anclar nuestra comprensión del mundo que nos rodea y así, una vez que hemos formado una creencia, tendemos a...
Con Ciencia Indigena
- Jul 23, 2018
What Are Beliefs?
We create beliefs to anchor our understanding of the world around us and so, once we have formed a belief, we will tend to persevere with...
Con Ciencia Indigena
- Jul 23, 2018
What Are Beliefs?
We create beliefs to anchor our understanding of the world around us and so, once we have formed a belief, we will tend to persevere with...
Con Ciencia Indigena
- Jul 7, 2018
A Re-encounter with Lucid Magic
We recently visited the Mazatec Sierra in Oaxaca Mexico, in the mountains, deeper than Huautla. Our experience there was beyond our...