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Forum Posts

Mario Gómez Mayorga
Jun 07, 2018
You Were Never Born. and You Will Never Die. content media
Mario Gómez Mayorga
Jun 07, 2018
Tienes Que Crecer Desde El Interior... content media
Mario Gómez Mayorga
Jun 07, 2018
In Videos
What should we think about death? content media
Mario Gómez Mayorga
Jun 07, 2018
In Enlaces - Links
Read the story here
Part Spider, Part Scorpion Creature Found in Amber content media
Mario Gómez Mayorga
Jun 07, 2018
In Viajes - Trips
DIEZ DIAS PARA CIERRE DE INSCRIPCIÓN. SOLO QUEDAN CUATRO LUGARES Después de varias solicitudes de gente que nos comenta estar en momentos económicos difíciles y que nos piden un mejor precio para poder asistir, es que hemos ajustado la logística de este viaje para poder ofrecer una cortesía que les permita que esto sea accesible, y hemos decidido hacerla disponible para todos: El Retiro a la Sierra Mazateca como cortesía ahora está disponible al 2x1 PERO Tenemos que reunir al menos cinco pares para que la logística en esta área tan remota del país para funcionar. Por lo tanto si te interesa que este viaje sea una realidad, o aun si no te interesa tal vez sabes de alguien que se pueda beneficiar. Por favor ayudamos a difundir esta noticia y cortesía. Por tu ayuda ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! ¿Quieres unirte, y sabes a quién traes? Gente mágica, Lugares de poder,Plantas sagradas, Chamanismo Mira imágenes y lee detalles aquí
Retiro Sierra Mazateca 2x1 content media
Mario Gómez Mayorga
Jun 07, 2018
In Viajes - Trips
ONLY TEN DAYS TO CLOSE REGISTRATIONS. ONLY FOUR PLACES LEFT After many requests from people who tell us to be in difficult economic times and asking for a better price to be able to participate we have adjusted the logistics of this trip to offer a courtesy that allows it to be accessible, and we decided to make it available for everyone: Retreat to the Sierra Mazateca as a courtesy is now available at 2x1 BUT We have to gather at least five pairs so that the logistics in this remote area of the country to function. Therefore if you are interested in making this trip a reality, or even if you are not interested but you know someone who could benefit from the experience Please help us spread the word abut this news and courtesy. For your help THANKS A LOT Space limited to 14 people. Do you want to join, and do you know who you bring? The last week of next month Magical people, Places of power, Sacred plants, Shamanism See more info and pictures here
Mazatec Sierra Retreat 2x1 content media
Mario Gómez Mayorga
Jun 03, 2018
In Talleres - Workshops
This workshop is a gathering of the most efficient tools and techniques from Mexican indigenous knowledge that allow creating new and better ways to live through purposeful acts based on self consciousness. The Tribe Workshop was born from the frequent request of people who worked with us, with the desire to continue their inner quest, exploring and developing their consciousness. It was also created for people who was told about our workshops but could not travel to have the live experience, this way the work is still accessible, without distance avoiding to know and experience it. With people who had already worked with us the main obstacle was the enormous difficulty to synchronize with folks in other countries, in time and resources and travel to Mexico, or to some other country, to make a workshop together. This is how this work was born, using Internet as a contact tool, forming work groups, even when the participants lived in different countries. Please visit us now and get to know the details (read the testimonials!)
Tribe Online Extended Workshop content media
Mario Gómez Mayorga
Jun 03, 2018
In Talleres - Workshops
The pilgrimage invites to a journey through personal history, mind, feelings, and energy. Useful to close and open cycles, clean blockages, heal the past, forgive, and open to consciousness. Work designed to experience a lucid dialogue with life though purposeful actions. A pilgrimage in Mexico, five states though four thousand kilometers, visiting ten special natural, and prehispanic power places, where we explore work with a series of Toltec practices; sensing exercises, cleansing ceremonies, specialized attention and energy management techniques, like: non-doings, the warrior attitude, facing challenges, transcending limits, to crown the experience with a Vision Quest. All this in the mist of mind blowing places in Nature. Recovering, and open connections with Nature and its "Poderios" (Conscious Powers) The elements that conform nature. The pilgrimage is a double journey; on the on the world, but in parallel it´s an inner path that leads beyond the limits which contain the person's daily routines, it's a trip of transcendence that aims toward self consciousness and lucidity. An invitation to build a lucid solid foundation for consciousness. March 14th to April 12 of 2019 Visit the Website and see the pictures, read testimonials, and know the route.
 Toltec Pilgrimage Vision Quest content media

Mario Gómez Mayorga

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